S. Pinkerton Player rankings

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Ranking Place Place (US) Your Value
Global Score
Players ranked by global score, lowest to highest
47 → 38 → 1,038
Score per Minute
Players ranked by highest score per minute ratio
37 → 24 → 1.0035
Win-Loss Ratio
Players ordered by their win to loss standing
114 → 102 → 0.55
Kill-Death Ratio
Players sorted by who get the most kills per death
22 → 15 → 0.9730
Knife KDR
Players ranked by their skill with a knife
102 → 95 → 0.2857
Sniper Accuracy
Players ranked by their accuracy with a Sniper Rifle
1 → 1 → 0.0000
Hours per Day
Players ranked the number of hours per day they play
69 → 63 → 0.1545
Command Score
Players ranked the their Commander score
12 → 3 → 0
Relative Command Score
Players ranked by Commander Points / Command score
12 → 3 → 0
Stat Per Round Per Minute Per Hour Per Day Per Kill Per Death
Gold, Silver, Bronze Stars 0.0645 0.0019 0.1160 2.7844 0.0051 0.0049
Awards 0.3548 0.0106 0.6381 15.3142 0.0278 0.0270
Kills 12.7742 0.3829 22.9713 551.3116 1.0000 0.9730
Deaths 13.1290 0.3935 23.6094 566.6258 1.0278 1.0000
Time 2,001.9355 60.0000 3,600.0000 86,400.0000 156.7172 152.4816
Team Kills 0.6774 0.0203 1.2182 29.2362 0.0530 0.0516
Flag points 3.0645 0.0918 5.5108 132.2591 0.2399 0.2334
Team Points 8.4194 0.2523 15.1402 363.3645 0.6591 0.6413
Combat Points 25.0645 0.7512 45.0725 1,081.7403 1.9621 1.9091
Score 33.4839 1.0035 60.2127 1,445.1047 2.6212 2.5504